(for children age 3 by September 1)

Children turning 3 years of age by September 1 may choose to attend 2 or 3 days per week.

Thursday and Friday 9:00am - 11:45am

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 9:00am - 11:45am

2 & 3 Day Program Application Form

For many children, this will be their first school experience. Teachers recognize that each child is unique and they work with each family to accomplish a successful transition to school. To help all children experience positive and enjoyable first days at school, we have a tradition of shortened days at the beginning of the school year. There are lots of new things to experience, including meeting teachers, new friends, and learning classroom routines and our shortened class sessions ease the transition.

The daily schedule is designed to provide a familiar routine, but flexible enough to be adjusted based on the needs of the group.

Children arrive with parents, put their belongings into their cubby and wash their hands. Depending on the child’s needs, the parent may say goodbye and the child is greeted by the teacher and guided through hand washing. Some children may ask a parent to say goodbye after they have washed their hands. It is important that a goodbye is said to the child and that a teacher is aware that a parent is leaving.

Each classroom has a bathroom for children to use as needed. Dry, clean clothes are kept at school. For children who are unable to use the toilet consistently, teachers work with parents to create an individual plan for toileting procedures.

The majority of each session is Independent Choice Time. Children may choose block building, housekeeping, writing center, playdough table, easel painting, puzzles, small manipulatives, water table, sand table, or the daily project. Teachers encourage children to participate in many activities. Teachers and children also gather together as a class. Group story time occurs every day. Stories reflect and extend the current curriculum. We also gather for circle time where we learn songs, finger plays, have discussions, play games, and learn to take turns.

After everyone helps to clean up, children wash hands and sit down together with teachers to enjoy a school provided snack. We begin snack time with a song every day. By the second week of school, you may be hearing “Make New Friends” at your house! After snack, children play outside everyday with the exception of rain or freezing temperatures. The children learn, with teacher guidance, to dress themselves for the outdoors.

At the end of our morning, the Berrybrook bell is rung to signal the end of school. Children will gather with their classmates. Parents are asked to sign out their child and check their cubby. Teachers welcome parents in our classrooms. In October, teachers organize a Parent Discussion Group to discuss volunteering in the classroom. During this evening meeting parents and teachers review expectations and helpful hints for parent volunteers. Once teachers feel the children have mastered separation and are ready to have their parents in the classroom, a volunteer sign-up sheet will be posted.